PASTE. Street Art Exhibition

Between10&5, Cape Town, daytime, free, Inside Out Project, Jonx Pillemer, JR, Lauren Fowler, mak1one, PASTE
, , , , , , , Various - Khayelitsha Township & Cape Town City 24 Hours FREE /+27 (0)

PASTE. A street art exhibition curated by Shani Judes of SJ ARTISTS and Between 10and5 .

Inspired by the recent Inside Out Project, 15 local artists have been selected to design, illustrate or photograph work around the theme of Khayelitsha Culture. The work will be turned into large scale and will be pasted around Khayelitsha and the inner city of Cape Town.

The aim: to take the exhibition out of the gallery space and into the streets of both city and township.  Spreading the art into the different cultures and allowing the greater community access.

We invite you to keep your eyes open and spot the artworks, take snaps and send them in for us to blog –  

You can see live updates on the SJ ARTISTS   To raise funds for this project and for future projects – final images will be on sale on the Between10&5 website.

Artists involved:

Simon Berndt – One Horse Town
Cassandra Leigh
Lauren Fowler
Wesley Van Eeden
Jonx Pillemer
Russell Goodman
Swain Hoogervorst &
Miné Jonker & Clinton Campbell from Studio Muti
ELLO – Love And Hate Studio
Black Koki – Love And Hate Studio
Julia Merrett
Claire Homewood
Fuzzy Slippers
Donna Solovei
Yuma Yoshimura (TOKYO)
Linsey Levendall

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