Out The Box Festival – No Kiddin’

Cape Town, daytime, live, nighttime, no kiddin', out the box festival, theatre
No Kiddin' - Eager Artists & Theatre Siberia
Intimate Theatre, Hiddingh Campus, 37 Orange Street 09:30 - 10:30, 12:30 - 13:30, (9 Sep) 18:00 (10 Sep), 15:30 (11 Sep) R50 Adults, R40 Children /

A colourful and spectacular two woman production exploring the life of a vulnerable child through movement, dance, music and dialogue.

The children of South Africa are abused every day, mostly by the most trusted people in their lives – their parents, their uncles and anyone who is in position of responsibility and trust. Most of these young children are threatened by their perpetrators which leads them to withdraw from other children; they become silenced and lose their self-esteem. Alcohol abuse in parents often is a major cause of the abuse. Many mothers deny the abuse, choosing to ignore it for socio-economic reasons.

This work explores this complex and difficult situation in a surprisingly entertaining and engaging manner, drawing the audience into its problematic subject through the use of a wide variety of stage techniques.

Jerry Pooe has written and directed a lot of diverse theatre works, including children’s theatre, musicals, dance dramas and physical theatre. His productions have travelled Europe and Africa. He has also done a lot of community based programmes to educate about HIV/Aids and other pandemics in our communities.

Past productions include:
No Tears (2010) Windybrow theatre
Dinuzulu (2010) Windybrow Theatre
Mans world(2009) Grahamstown Arts Festival.
No Kidding (2007) Rotterdam- Holland, (2009) Stable Theatre and Ekhaya Multi Arts Centre.
Peace in our life time (2008) The Playhouse Company
Ka-Masa (2007) Bloemfontein-Pacoffs

Direction: Jerry Pooe and Roel Twinstra (Theatre Siberia)
choreography: Lynn Mbatha & Stella Zuma
Conceived by: Jerry Pooe & Roel Twinstra

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