FOKOFPOLISIEKAR (Music City Film Fest)

afrikaans, documentary, festival, film, film festival, identity, music city, music documentary, nighttime, post-apartheid, punk rock, south african, the Labia
fokofpolsiekar_the movie_small-10
The Labia Theatre on Orange, 68 Orange Street 6:15pm R25 The Labia, Telephone:

FOKOFPOLISIEKAR “Forgive them for they know not what they do”

This documentary film is part of the Music City: A Documentary Festival on Cape Music (10 – 15 September 2011)

In-your-face progressive punk rock band Fokofpolisiekar are the subject of Little’s spirited look at both the contemporary Afrikaans music industry and the shifting cultural sands of morphing white Afrikaans culture. Told in interview and through original video of their first tour and album, the film focuses on how the Belville band came to be a voice for the dislocated youth straddling the before-and-after of 1994.  They were a frustrated generation disillusioned with the lies of the church and state but without a form of expression, and as such the film is a political and personal commentary about those times – not old enough to fully understand the effects of living under Apartheid, not young enough to be entirely ‘new’ South Africans. Cultural confusion isn’t the only currency – the groundbreaking retro comic book, B-grade film, Chicago punk rock design of their marketing also features. Dir: Bryan Little / South Africa / 2009 / 108min

Creative Week Cape Town has partnered with The Encounters Documentary Festival, The Cape Film Commission and Cape MIC to bring you a documentary festival focussed on music. The concept of the festival is centred on the extensive catalogue of documentaries produced in the Cape about the region’s music. Included in the programme are some sell-out productions from previous film festivals. These include Afrikaaps, Fokofpolisiekar’s “Forgive them for they know not what they do”, Mr Devious: My Life and The Black. Each screening is preceded by student works from the Film and Media Department of the University of Cape Town.

Contact: The Labia, Ph:

Who: Encounters Documentary Festival is Africa’s premier documentary festival now in its 13th year. Cape Film Commission is the official film industry development and support body. Cape MIC is the official music industry body.

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